#Backoffice Key positions in the events industry: Marketing and Communications

At Workout Events, we’re thrilled to mark our 20th anniversary, and there’s no better way to celebrate than by sharing the inspiring stories of those who have played a key role in our success throughout the years.

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing Arantxa Roca, our Marketing and Communications Manager. Get ready to learn more about her professional journey, her vision of the events industry, and her personal life, all of which make her a passionate and approachable leader.

As the song goes, “I was born in the Mediterranean sea…” That’s how Arantxa’s story begins. Born in Valencia, with Basque roots from her mother and a heart that belongs to Madrid after living there for more than half her life. She holds a degree in Commercial Management and Marketing from ESIC, completed a Postgraduate degree in Communications at IE, and has worked in Communications and Marketing in the real estate sector, as an account manager in promotions, and even in aviation as a flight attendant.

For over 8 years, Arantxa has been part of the Workout family…

Honestly, I’m quite surprised when I say it because it seems like a long time, but I don’t feel that way. I suppose when you love what you do so much, time just flies by.

What do you enjoy the most about your job?

It might sound like a well-worn sentence, but I love everything about my job. I think I enjoy it so much because it’s never monotonous; it requires continuous learning and innovation to stay up-to-date with new trends and technologies. In addition, creativity plays a crucial role if you want to be competitive in this industry. This combination of constant learning and the opportunity to be creative motivates me every day.

Interview with Arantxa Roca - Marketing and Communications Manager

What exactly does the Marketing and Communications department at Workout Events do?

We do so many things! Here’s the short version:

  • Define and implement the Marketing and Communications strategies every year.
  • Design, content, and production of corporate materials: the brand identity manual, the website, brochures, roll-ups, posters, banners, all kinds of presentations, videos, merchandising products, etc.
  • Internal and External Communication: updating the company’s Intranet, managing relationships with associations, collaborations, special actions, sponsorships, social media posts, SEO, SEM, mailings, announcements, communications, reputation management, etc.
  • Staff Training: Corporate, Compliance, etc.
  • Development and integration of Compliance, implementation of CSR policies, and management of Sustainability certificates.
  • Market and competitor analysis.

Now, imagine all these functions multiplied by 3, which are the companies that form part of The Workout Group and we manage them from our department!

With Workout Events’ 20th anniversary, you must be busier than usual…

Reaching 20 years is quite a milestone in this industry, and we’re celebrating with several innitiatives in 2024. Besides sponsorships and collaborations, we’ve created some videos and special designs, hosted a series of exclusive events for clients and partners, and we have more anniversary activities planned to thank employees and friends for their continued support.

Why is Workout Events different from other staff for events companies?

Workout was born to solve a need: to professionalize the events industry. Since 2004, we’ve been working to elevate the standards by providing highly qualified and specialized event staff. Unlike other companies, we have uniformed, trained, and experienced staff, ensuring maximum agility and efficiency in every service.

Additionally, we offer true nationwide coverage, 24/7/365 customer service with on-call staff in every department, in-house Occupational Risk Prevention technicians, and our own Quality Department.

Arantxa Roca, Workout Events Marketing and Communications Manager

In addition to leading the Communications department, you’re also responsible for the company’s Corporate Responsibility Policy. How is sustainability applied in Workout’s daily operations?

In the environmental and economic areas, the first step has been raising awareness: ESG must be an intrinsic value of the company and become part of our DNA. Secondly, we’ve implemented energy efficiency measures, promoted recycling, and used materials and resources that reduce emissions and minimize environmental impact.

In the social sphere, at Workout we emphasize fostering a culture of inclusion and diversity, ensuring equal opportunities in a respectful work environment. We also support various NGO and foundation projects, reinforcing our commitment to the community.

We are currently conducting several audits both internally and with our suppliers to meet sustainability standards and create a responsible business model.

What are Workout Events’ goals for the coming years?

Our main goal is to remain the leading event staffing company while also continuing to grow in size and professionalism. We’ll keep focusing on improving the quality of our management thanks to new technologies and reinforcing our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

Now let’s talk about you… How do you spend your free time and what are your hobbies?

I have an 11-year-old daughter who keeps me busy and entertained, and a lovely 15-year-old cat-dog.

I love exercising! For years, I’ve been practicing TRX, biking, and playing paddle tennis. I also enjoy meeting up with friends, reading a good book, and traveling to discover new places.

What is the phrase or word that most identifies you?

If I had to choose a phrase, it would be: “A good story shouldn’t be judged by its cover.”

As you’ve read during the interview, at Workout Events, we’re committed to continuing to offer the best event staffing services, and having professionals like Arantxa ensures us a bright and innovative future.

Thank you for sharing your time with us!

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