#BackOffice Key positions in the events industry: Deputy Chief Operations Officer

In this new edition of interviews to learn about Workout‘s #Backoffice, we dive into the life story and career of Mercedes Suárez, the Deputy Chief Operations Officer. Discover why she is one of the most beloved members of our company.

Born in Asturias, she always carries with her the warm and charming essence of her hometown: Salinas. Although she has lived in Madrid since an early age due to her father’s work, Mercedes has always escaped to her motherland (where all her family lives) whenever she has the opportunity to do so. In fact, it was there where she met her husband, also from Asturias, during a summer vacation in his homeland.

Mercedes also has a stellar professional career. With a degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Human Resources, she has dedicated practically her entire working life to recruiting talent. From her beginnings in a private security company, where she acquired great people management skills, to working as a freelancer, selecting brilliant minds in the world of Computer Science and Mathematics.

Her path finally led her to Workout Events, where, after 8 and a half years of trajectory, she has held different roles until becoming part of the management team of the company.

I started working in the Hospitality area: I had to set up services, coordinate them, talk to the customers….

After that, I was helping with administrative tasks and recruiting staff. However, as the company grew, I ended up dedicating myself 100% to Human Resources and eventually became the Director of the Staff Department.

I’ve always been closely linked to the operations departments, and the natural evolution has led me to take on my current role.

To sum up:

  • I attend many meetings daily, mainly related to company management and decision-making.
  • I monitor the status of each Operations department: whether there have been any incidents, the workload, unforeseen issues, etc.
  • I’m still involved with the Staff Department, supporting them with forecasts, recruitment processes, organization…
  • Additionally, I supervise the management of the company branches.

In the end, 80% of my time is spent talking to people. Usually, the co-workers come to me with problems to try to find solutions, and occasionally, we also get great news.

You could say that I’m the company’s psychologists.

Mainly that I have a broader view of what a company is: I deal with financial, labor, and administrative matters… I love it because it allows me to keep learning and growing professionally.

What I like most about this company is that everyone’s opinion is heard. Everybody, regardless of their position, contributes in some way.

Some years ago, while I was interviewing a guy for a job, I fell to the ground. I don’t know if the chair broke or if I made a wrong move. Just imagine: I heard my colleagues laughing in the background, while the candidate didn’t even get up or attempt to help me. I don’t know if he was as shocked as I was or if he just didn’t know how to react. I got up, said goodbye to him, and of course, we never hired him.

Professionally, I see myself growing in Workout in terms of learning. The goal is to keep improving every day.

On a personal level, I hope things don’t change much beyond my kids starting university. I really like my life as it is right now.

I like to travel to Asturias, go on excursions with family or friends, ski in winter, and of course, read a good book.

Anything by Joël Dicker. I love all of his books.

For the past three years, I’ve been going to boxing in the mornings. I never thought I’d get hooked, and I think it’s the most surprising and unexpected thing I do right now.

I’m also a big soccer fan. I’ve traveled to many parts of Spain to support my team: the Sporting de Gijón. Soccer is sacred in my house.

I think it’s EMPATHY. At least, I would like the people around me to describe me as an empathetic person.

Mercedes is an example of dedication and passion for creating extraordinary experiences and spreading energy. Her journey from service coordination to general management reflects not only her professional ability but also her unwavering commitment to the company’s essence and success.

Thank you for sharing these words with us, Mercedes!

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