#BackOffice Key positions in the events industry: Staff Department

In the field of human resources management, finding a leader who combines passion, dedication, and authenticity is a true treasure. In this interview, we have the opportunity to get to know Carlos Vázquez, a native of Madrid who has all these qualities and currently leads the Human Resources department at Workout Events.

After studying Labor Relations, Human Resources, and Occupational Risk Prevention, Carlos began his career about 10 years ago by managing teams at Workout as a Staff Coordinator in the Crew department. He remembers that time with a smile because he associates it with personal effort and constant learning.

Over time, he found his place in the Staff department, where he has managed to turn his passion for connecting with people into a profession that helps others to shine.

Thank you for giving us a few minutes, Carlos. First of all, could you explain what the Staff department at Workout does?

Basically, we recruit talent to work at different types of events across Spain. We also manage employee vacations, monitor work hours, handle communication with employees, and keep them informed about our work methodology.

What kinds of professional profiles are most in demand in the events industry?

At Workout, we work with more than 50 professional categories, but the most in-demand profiles today are those specialized in assembly works (Crew) and Logistics: scaffolders, assembly assistants, and runners who can move things from one point to another.

Is it possible to build a career working in events, or is it more for temporary jobs?

Both options are available, but it depends on the individual’s aspirations.

At Workout, we offer real opportunities for professional growth, and that’s the message we want to send to all candidates who want to be part of this great team.

You’re certainly the best example of that. What are the essential qualities a candidate needs to work at Workout?

They need to be themselves. From my experience, the most valued qualities are honesty, commitment, and the desire to grow professionally.

Carlos Vazquez HR director Workout

What should a CV include to get the job?

It’s essential that the CV: is well-written, includes all contact information, and clearly reflects the candidate’s work experience and/or education.

Recruiters also pay close attention to the duration of previous jobs and the gap between each work experience.

Can you tell us how the Staff department promotes workplace inclusion?

Workout’s work methodology is aligned with our CSR policy, and in the socioeconomic sphere, we collaborate with various associations and foundations to promote the labor inclusion of different groups. Some of these groups include:

  • Young people who have never been given the opportunity to enter the labor market. They bring enthusiasm and they really want to be part of this great team.
  • People with extensive experience but different challenges, such as age. They provide the wisdom needed to accomplish daily tasks.

While it’s not common for clients to request this type of personnel, they are interested in learning about our inclusion capabilities and how these groups could be hired.

In any case, our philosophy is to form teams with people who, despite their different backgrounds or circumstances, add value to the company.

What challenges does the Workout Staff department currently face?

On one hand, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to attract talent, so we’re working on automating processes and exploring new communication channels. One example is the development of the Workout Events app, which allows us to contact candidates quickly and efficiently.

Another major challenge is emphasizing the value of hiring professional staff for events. Unfortunately, it’s common for clients to seek to cut costs by minimizing the budget allocated to staff, even though the skills and experience of professionals add significant value.

Investing in qualified personnel ensures the quality and success of the event, as well as contributing to the prestige and positive reputation of the organizers. That’s why Workout advocates for the professionalization of the sector, optimal working conditions, and compliance with regulations.

Now, let’s talk about you. What strengths do you believe have led you to become the Human Resources Manager at Workout?

Consistency, perseverance, and teamwork. I think that what I would highlight the most is the huge support I’ve received from my colleagues.

Equipo de Staff reunido en Workout Events

Do you remember any interesting anecdotes from recruiting staff for the company?

A few years ago, a client urgently requested someone who could play the koto. It’s quite an unusual request since the koto is an ancient instrument from Japan. We went to great lengths to find someone who could play the koto… I think there were only 4 people in all of Spain who knew how to do it.

After the effort of studying everything about the instrument, researching koto specialists in our country, and convincing one of those 4 people to take the job… the client canceled the event.

Now we laugh about it, but at the time, it was quite a letdown!

Which word identifies you?

SELF-CRITICAL. Professionally, I’m a perfectionist, and I try to give everything everytime because my colleagues deserve the best I can offer. However, in my personal life, I’m more relaxed.

What do you usually do in your free time?

I enjoy swimming, traveling, going to the beach, and spending time with my friends… the usual hobbies for a 34-year-old!

Carlos is a bit shy when talking about himself, but he thrives on building relationships, working with people, and discovering the talent in each of them.

He feels Workout as a home, where he continues to grow both personally and professionally nowadays.

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